Advanced Computer Software Group Limited Apps

Access to your business information has never been moreimportant.Need to check a customer’s balance, check stock,authorise an orderor simply email a copy invoice; eXchequer 365 isthe answer foryour business. Designed to complement your Exchequersolution,eXchequer 365 provides a range of services to help you bemoreefficient. Modular by design, you can switch on justthefunctionality you need and put information where it matters –inthe hands of your sales, operation and management teams. Withasimple consistent interface across multiple devices, eXchequer365allows you to login and see your business data, wheneverandwherever you need it. Data wise, we allow you access toaccountdetails, ledger details (invoices, payments, orders) as wellasallowing drill-down to actual source documents (PDF format).Findyourself on site with a customer and have an account query;noproblem simply bring up their account information and view/e-mailastatement or copy invoice; right from your device. With supportforfull wild-card searching throughout, you will be able to locateandsolve your query in a matter of seconds. Distributingmanagementinformation is both time-consuming and costly; until nowthat is.The eXchequer 365 reporting module provides the ability totailor aset of management reports, per user, to be accessed at anytime, onany supported device. Simply login to the “My Reports” areaand seeyour own personal list of reports. The list will containSentimail,manual and statically generated reports and documents;all up todate. Reports are downloaded on request and typicallyconsist ofsales reports and Excel management packs for example, butcan alsoinclude other documents such as HR or procedure guides ifrequired.eXchequer 365 Manage your business : Any device : Anytime--eXchequer365 is a collaboration between Advanced BusinessSolutionsand Konnekt IT Solutions Limited. Exchequer andObjectDrill aretrademarks of Advanced Business Solutions.eXchequer365 is anunregistered trademark of Konnekt IT SolutionsLimited.
eXpense365 1.6.2
eXpense365 enables you to record and submit your expensesandreceipts, send them for approval and be notified when theyarepaid.
Exchequer Mobile
Everything you love about Exchequer, in the palm of your hand.